Water source for a children’s home – Nigeria

Enugu Charity Home




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What is Co-Funding?

Co-funding with the ALMT allows individuals, other Trusts and Foundations, and Companies to contribute funds directly to individual, vetted and approved, project partnerships. With fifteen years of experience awarding grants and working in partnership with children’s organisations around the world, the ALMT is best placed to support you in your philanthropy.

What started as a ‘soup centre’ in 1986, Enugu Charity Home began to take on children on a more permanent basis in 1996. Within the home children are given care, food, education, counseling and medical attention. There is no functional water scheme by the Nigerian government, and whilst there is availablility of pipe-borne water in some sections of the city, that water does not reach the village of Abakpa Nike where the Home is situated. The inhabitants had depended on shallow wells, which thrive in the rainy season and dry up in the dry seasons, making them an inefficient source of clean water. The ALMT supported the construction of an underground water tank to help the Home harvest the rain water from its roof during rainy season and to act as a reserve for use through the rest of the year.

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