Developing safe spaces for children in slum communities – Nepal

Water in Schools Programme – Madagascar

Feeding and nurturing orphaned babies – Tanzania

Using sport to build peaceful and thriving communities – UK

Improving the quality of life for children and young people worldwide since 2006


Countries Supported


Projects Helped


Years Active


Charity Partners

Photo Credit: Children on the Edge: Rakhi tied to plants

The Why...

The ALMT was founded to create a lasting legacy for Angus Lawson who, despite no longer being with us, continues to impact children’s lives around the world. The Trust accepts solicited requests for funding sourced through The ALMT’s ever growing web of friends, partners and contacts.

The What...

The ALMT has over 15 years’ experience of funding small charities which are working towards the shared mission of improving the quality of life for the world’s most marginalised children and young people.  Historically The ALMT has worked closely with grant recipients offering advice and support alongside funding for innovative and creative solutions to proven problems.

Photo credit - Sport Inspired - Group shot

The How...

The ALMT conducts stringent due diligence and research into every organisation and project proposal before deciding whether to award a grant or not. If the ALMT Board of Trustees decide to fund a project, it becomes available to co-fund. The ALMT works closely with its donors giving them the opportunity to know exactly where and who their money has been directed to.

The ALMT and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals:

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nations provide a useful framework when thinking about how to improve and sustain global development.  Each goal has a series of targets and indicators enabling the sector to measure and track progress.  For many years the ALMT has funded a diverse range of projects worldwide aiming to improve the quality of life for children and young people. Click on the SDG below to view all ALMT funded projects contributing towards each specific SDG.

Latest News

Latest Projects


Linda Norgrove Foundation supports education, health and childcare for women and children in Afghanistan affected by war.

Kidasha works with local partners to ensure that every child in Nepal has a safe and bright future.

Developing the skills of young people to form the next generation of leaders in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Providing lifelong access to safe drinking water for school children in Madagascar

Aspire works with children in Northern Ireland to help close the educational attainment gap that exists between rich and poor.

Through their Community Exe project, Exeter University combines world-class research with excellent student satisfaction.

Children Heard and Seen will provide monthly activities and positive interactions where children and families can share in experiences without shame or stigma.

Action for Refugees in Lewisham improves the educational attainment, confidence and aspirations of asylum seeking, refugee and migrant children.

Forever Angels believes all children should be raised in a loving family. Their first priority is family preservation.

Foundation for the Integration and Development of Foreigners in Poland is running Polish language classes for Ukrainian Refugees.


Linda Norgrove Foundation supports education, health and childcare for women and children in Afghanistan affected by war.

Kidasha works with local partners to ensure that every child in Nepal has a safe and bright future.

Developing the skills of young people to form the next generation of leaders in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Providing lifelong access to safe drinking water for school children in Madagascar

Aspire works with children in Northern Ireland to help close the educational attainment gap that exists between rich and poor.

Through their Community Exe project, Exeter University combines world-class research with excellent student satisfaction.

Children Heard and Seen will provide monthly activities and positive interactions where children and families can share in experiences without shame or stigma.

Action for Refugees in Lewisham improves the educational attainment, confidence and aspirations of asylum seeking, refugee and migrant children.

Forever Angels believes all children should be raised in a loving family. Their first priority is family preservation.