Preventing sexual abuse of girls – Malawi

Egmont Trust

Improving the lives of children affected by HIV & AIDS



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Partnering with Life Concern Organisation (LICO) and the Egmont Trust in Northern Malawi. The aims of this project are to prevent sexual abuse of and violence against girls in Mzimba and Rumphi districts and support abused children to access appropriate levels of care using the Edutoy model. Edutoy is a specially devised presentation which uses soft toys to demonstrate what constitutes as abuse to groups of primary school children with careful follow up and support for any children who subsequently come forward citing abuse. Through pre-established links at community and district level, the project uses the 4-Ps approach; Preventing violence and abuse among girls; Provision of services; forging Partnerships; Pursuing perpetrators. The project increases knowledge amongst 16,600 individuals and families about how to access justice and keep girls free from violence. At district level it empowers communities to influence the development of services that respond to the needs and rights of girls. And at national level it uses evidence-based research to change policy to help girls access justice across Malawi.

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