Paediatric Emergency Assessment Ward – Pakistan

Midland Doctors

To be a safe, effective and efficient charitable healthcare provider, offering elective services in a dignified healthcare setting, to all patients irrelevant of social class, background or ethnicity



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What is Co-Funding?

Co-funding with the ALMT allows individuals, other Trusts and Foundations, and Companies to contribute funds directly to individual, vetted and approved, project partnerships. With fifteen years of experience awarding grants and working in partnership with children’s organisations around the world, the ALMT is best placed to support you in your philanthropy.

Midland Doctors was formed in 2005 in response to a devastating earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale that struck Northern Pakistan. Following the tragedy a group of doctors flew out to provide emergency healthcare and realised that there was an unmet need for medical care in the region. They therefore worked to create the Midland Doctors Medical Institute.


Between 2013 and 2019 the hospital treated c250,000 patients, all free of charge, in the NHS model, and to NHS standards. Doctors volunteer their time and travel from the UK (paying for their own flights) to perform operations, assessments, and procedures at the hospital.


ALMT is supporting the development of a Paediatric Emergency Assessment Ward (PEAW) at the hospital enabling the Institute to focus on the treatment of conditions such as childhood pneumonia, asthma and infective diarrhoea. This ward aims to increase the capacity of the Institute and support more in-patient admissions each month.

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