Literacy support for children in care – UK

Hull Children's University

Hull Children’s University strives to give every child the opportunities they deserve, no matter what circumstances they were born into.



Start Year:


Run Time:

3 years

Participant Age:


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What is Co-Funding?

Co-funding with the ALMT allows individuals, other Trusts and Foundations, and Companies to contribute funds directly to individual, vetted and approved, project partnerships. With fifteen years of experience awarding grants and working in partnership with children’s organisations around the world, the ALMT is best placed to support you in your philanthropy.

Hull Children’s University runs Letterbox Clubs in Hull, East Riding and Grimsby: literacy and numeracy programmes which target children in care who are struggling in education to help these children close the attainment gap and reduce the inequality they face. The 7–11-year-olds receive monthly parcels of books and other learning materials delivered through regular one to one tutor support. Letterbox Co-ordinators plan individual sessions, tailor parcels and travel between schools to deliver these. The materials are the young person’s own to keep, so they have ownership and are encouraged to use them on an individual basis at home, again, reinforcing independent learning.

Children in care are frequently below age-related expectations for reading. This intervention seeks to prevent further slippage and aims to close that gap.

The Letterbox Co-ordinators also support with Experience Projects in the school holidays: unique and inspirational learning experiences carefully designed to support the national curriculum whilst increasing children’s motivation, thirst for knowledge and ambition. The children (including those supported by the Letterbox Programme) visit local businesses or are included on trips beyond their immediate environment, broadening horizons, building confidence and developing their self-esteem.

In Hull there are over 1,400 children in care, but HCU’s two Letterbox co-ordinators are currently reaching only 50. This two-year project will co-fund an additional full-time Letterbox Coordinator, enabling 25 more children in care in Hull to be supported, plus additional support to children participating in Experience Projects

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