Improving access to health, rights and child protection – Tanzania

ACE Africa

Ace Africa works in rural East Africa helping children and their communities to lead healthier, happier and self-sufficient lives through improved food and economic security, health, wellbeing and rights awareness.



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Co-funding with the ALMT allows individuals, other Trusts and Foundations, and Companies to contribute funds directly to individual, vetted and approved, project partnerships. With fifteen years of experience awarding grants and working in partnership with children’s organisations around the world, the ALMT is best placed to support you in your philanthropy.

RenaissanceRe and the ALMT are supporting Ace Africa Tanzania to improve education, nutrition and access to child rights in the Arusha District. This project also increases protection and support for children under 5 so that they can play, learn and start school in good health. By developing community-led support systems, the rights of children will continue to be protected in the future. In Northern Tanzania there are many children in crisis and in the Arusha Region, approximately 41% of girls aged 0-14 have undergone Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and 1 in 3 girls (and 1 in 7 boys) have suffered from sexual violence before their 18th birthday.


Since 2008, Ace Africa Tanzania created six Violence Against Women and Children Committees to respond to over 3000 cases of abuse and educated 22,000 people on child rights and protection. They have also provided a safety net for 15,000 children in these vulnerable situations by establishing Child to Child Clubs in schools. Through this work they have identified a gap in provision for children under 5. Nutrition and good health at this age are fundamental for neurological, social and physical development. There is an urgent need to train health workers to fill this gap, provide appropriate facilities and ensure young children from more isolated families are not left behind before even starting school.


This project responds to these needs and extends existing work by training 63 community volunteers through two Violence Against Women and Children Committees (VAWACC) in Arusha at ward level (one new and one to receive additional training) and one paralegal support group. Creating a participatory drama on Child Rights in communities and in primary schools; 12 performances across the year to reach 2,400 children and 2,400 community members. Celebrating the Day of the African Child to promote child rights, and advocating for children through meetings with NGO partners, district officials and stakeholders at the ward level. Training 40 teachers and 20 headteachers on the Child-to-Child approach, life skills and sexual health education to support 10 new and 10 established Child to Child Clubs for 1,000 children. Renovating and providing equipment in one identified primary school, to provide and effective space for learning and early child development, e.g., through providing toys for play areas, reading books and chairs. Training 21 health care workers to support early child development sessions for 1,000 children (50 students in 20 schools) aged 0-5 and supporting 1,000 mothers with education and advice on developmental milestones, child health and nutrition.

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