Child Protection in Monduli District – Tanzania

ACE Africa

Ace Africa works in rural East Africa helping children and their communities to lead healthier, happier and self-sufficient lives through improved food and economic security, health, wellbeing and rights awareness.



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What is Co-Funding?

Co-funding with the ALMT allows individuals, other Trusts and Foundations, and Companies to contribute funds directly to individual, vetted and approved, project partnerships. With fifteen years of experience awarding grants and working in partnership with children’s organisations around the world, the ALMT is best placed to support you in your philanthropy.

In the Arusha Region, where Ace Africa Tanzania works, traditional Maasai communities uphold harmful views and practices, and children are subjected to physical and emotional abuse. 41% of girls under 14 have undergone FGM, and 1 in 3 girls have suffered sexual violence before turning 18.


Previous projects have shown that there is an urgent need to extend Ace Africa’s work to more rural, underserved and socially excluded communities in neighbouring wards in Monduli District. These communities have limited access to education, health and child protection services. Following Covid-19, ACE has seen an increased number of early marriage cases, as gaps in education, service provision and economic pressure place more girls at risk.


Ace Africa TZ is the leading government partner in the Arusha Region on Child Development and Protection. This project meets the growing demand to extend Ace Africa’s effective and sustainable approach. Over a 1 year period, ACE will increase awareness of child rights amongst children and community members, increase access to quality and community-led child protection systems and increase access to education, health and rights for 500 vulnerable children through Child to Child Clubs.


The project aims to: Increase awareness of child protection services and child rights amongst 1,200 children aged 7-14 and 900 adult community members; Foster an enabling environment for child rights and tackle traditional views and practices; Improve quality of child protection services in Monduli District, increasing capacity to identify, report, resolve and refer cases of child abuse; Increase access to quality child protection services and counselling, for 500 vulnerable children; Develop confidence and life skills for 500 children in Child to Child Clubs, through education on child rights, sexual health and rights.

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