Endorsed by David Cameron and now in it’s eigth year, the Mail on Sunday’s Happy list honours 100 people who make Britain a happier place to live. Nominated by members of the public, the list recognises individuals who give rather than take and we are so proud that Jenni Thomas OBE was one of this year’s amazing 100.
Here’s what they had to say about Jenni:
‘Jenni Thomas – Family supporter
A nurse who pioneered counselling and help for families of children who had died, in 1994 she founded Child Bereavement UK in a bedroom at her Buckinghamshire home. Since then, it has grown, got its own headquarters, and, thanks to grandmother Jenni, helped huge numbers of families.’
The ALMT are so proud to be able to support Jenni in delivering the ALMT bereavement service and we think there’s no-one more deserving of such an accolade.
What the Mail on Sunday says about the Happy List:
‘This year’s list includes: a foster mum who has cared for over 1,200 children over four decades; a teenage cerebral palsy sufferer who defied the odds to sail the Channel; one of Britain’s longest serving Samaritans; a woman who has cleared tonnes of plastic from Britain’s beaches; and a farmer so passionate about preserving the countryside he refused an offer of £275 million to develop his land.
These are the smiling faces that truly deserve celebration. And, unlike other lists, the Happy List is not a crass hierarchy but a completely unranked celebration of good deeds, large and small. They are all to be equally applauded. In these disordered times of sharp division, let’s salute these extraordinary efforts that make for a better Britain.’